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Seller thief and trickster

Usuario de la Comunidad

You are the worst salesman I've seen on ebay, since bought more than 8 years.
I hope I meet another vendor like you who deceive people do not even understand how eBay allows sellers of this ilk have on your sales page.
I bought an article sends it to my city as the web of sales on eBay.
Send the article and alos two days shipping, cancel the shipment.
12 May 2015 22:13 Hub 3 - Birmingham Your parcel is on its way back to
12 May 2015 22:12 Hub 3 - Birmingham Return to consignor Has Been Requested
08 May 2015 15:56 Return to Central Services consignor Has Been Requested
06 May 2015 23:17 Hub 3 - Birmingham We have X-rayed your parcel as part of our standard security procedures
06 May 2015 23:07 Hub 3 - We have your parcel Birmingham, and it's on its way to your nearest depot
06 May 2015 23:06 Hub 3 - We have your parcel Birmingham, and it's on its way to your nearest depot

Have 18 days to make payment and does not refund the payment past, it makes me opened


Eres el peor vendedor que he visto en ebay, desde que compro hace más de 8 años.
Espero no encontrarme con otro vendedor como tú, que engañe a la gente incluso no entiendo como permite ebay tener vendedores de esta calaña en su página de ventas.
He comprado un articulo que lo envía a mi ciudad según la web de ventas en ebay.
Envía el articulo y alos 2 días del envio, cancela el envío.
12 May 2015 22:13 Hub 3 - Birmingham Your parcel is on its way back to
12 May 2015 22:12 Hub 3 - Birmingham Return to consignor has been requested
08 May 2015 15:56 Central Services Return to consignor has been requested
06 May 2015 23:17 Hub 3 - Birmingham We have X-rayed your parcel as part of our normal security procedures
06 May 2015 23:07 Hub 3 - Birmingham We have your parcel, and it's on its way to your nearest depot
06 May 2015 23:06 Hub 3 - Birmingham We have your parcel, and it's on its way to your nearest depot

Han pasado 18 días que realicé el pago y no reintegra el pago, me hace abrir una reclamacion en ebay y paypal.

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Usuario de la Comunidad

Hola tengo el mismo problema sigo sin recibir el pin a mi celular para poder empezar a vender mis cosas , incluso me pidieron papeles de identicacion lo cuales ya se lo envie y reevie y hasta ahora no me dan una solucion-


Daniel Brush

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